• Academic Building

নাসিরাবাদ সরকারি উচ্চ বিদ্যালয়, চট্টগ্রামের পুরাতন ভবন নিলামে বিক্রির টেন্ডার নোটিশ। || বাকলিয়া সরকারি উচ্চ বিদ্যালয়, চট্টগ্রাম এর পুরাতন ভবন নিলাম বিজ্ঞপ্তি।

Pin Notice

Head Sir

Knowledge is power but nowadays it is thought, information technology (IT)  is power. Those who process more information are more knowledgeable. By browsing internet, we can communicate with the whole world. The world seems to be a global village. We can know very rapidly what is happening throughout the world.

In the age of modern technology computer creates a vital role on academic activities.Publishing results and providing all kinds of relevant activities become easy to easier. A student can get necessary information with in a few times. Reading becomes more interesting and informative.

Nasirabad Govt High School is going to introduce the modern technology for the betterment of all concern.I think this step is helpful to its all activities .I wish its overall success and Continuity.

Md Abdur Rahman
Nasirabad Govt High School

Happy Birthday to ...[Student]

  • Imtiaz Mahmud [171004658]
    Class: Ten Section: C

  • Md. Kayeen Ibshar [171004808]
    Class: Ten Section: A

  • Kowshik Barua [171004812]
    Class: Ten Section: A

  • Abdullah Al Mahadi [171004847]
    Class: Ten Section: A

  • Arindam Barua [171004956]
    Class: Ten(Old) Section: C

  • Prince Dey [171004962]
    Class: Ten(Old) Section: C

  • Ishtiaq Mahmud Tausif [171004967]
    Class: Ten(Old) Section: C

  • Arabi Ahmad [171006542]
    Class: Eight Section: B

  • Md Rohad Jihad [171006642]
    Class: Ten Section: F

  • Raiyan Alam [171006832]
    Class: Ten(Old) Section: D

  • Md Emdadul Hoque [171007360]
    Class: Nine Section: D

  • SIMANTO BARUA SWAPNO [171007468]
    Class: Six Section: D